Principal For A Day

If I were to be a principal for a whole day, I would be the best Principal ever. Here is why I would be the best principal ever. First, I would give out no homework so the students would not stress about getting their homework done. The second reason I would do is get better lunch food, the food I would serve would be Wingstop and canes. My third reason would be to make the lunches and breaks longer, the reason I would do this is because I feel like students need longer breaks to eat. The fourth reason would be 1 period to just focus on yourself, in this one period we would meditate, take a nap, be on our phones. I would feel like this will help us to be more productive throughout the day. The fifth and final reason would be having a three-day weekend, I would have a long weekend but a longer school day for example school would start at 8:30 but end at 4:30. From Monday to Thursday. That are all the things I would do if I were principal.

Rad Reading November

The book I’m reading this November is Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K Rowling. This book talks about a young boy named Harry. Harry lives with his aunt, uncle and cousin who all treat him horrible. They make Harry sleep in a tiny room under the stairs. One day a mystery man showed up to take harry because harry was a wizard, harry gets taken to a wizard school to where he has many challenges. He meets his two new best friends called Ron and Hermoine who face these challenges with him.

What I loved about this book was that it is very suspenseful and fun to read because of the challenges they had to overcome.

My favorite character in this book is Hermonie because she is very smart when it comes to challenges. “Now if you two don’t mind, I’m going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed or worse, expelled.” This is smart of her to say this because she is suggesting not to get into more trouble.

My favorite quote of this book is “It’s not leviOsa its leviosA” said Hermonie. It’s my favorite line from this book because this book also contains funny lines which just makes the book even more fun to read!

Kung Fu Monkey

This Monkey is fighting the rhinoceros because his precious banana was stolen and eaten. Monkey called Joe was having a beautiful Tuesday morning with his best monkey friends. When a giant rhinoceros started walking towards them while he was staring right at the banana. As he walked over Joe was playing with his monkey friends not looking at his banana, then as he turned around the banana was stolen. He looked around and saw the rhinoceros walking away he ran to the rhinoceros and demanded the banana. The rhinoceros lied saying it wasn’t him, but Joe was not having it and got into his Kung Fu position to fight the lying rhinoceros. After a Joe fought him, he ran away because he saw another banana in the distance.